Subscriptions are $45 a year and the editors are out of Manchester Metropolitan University in the U.K. Bart Beaty, Charles Hatfield, Mel Gibson, Joseph Witek, and Rob Weiner are on the review board, which is international.
The aims and scope of the journal suggest it will cover all aspects of comics and mentions being interdisciplinary, but education is not mentioned specifically as a particular interest of the journal (meaning I still have my niche market for SANE journal. Yay!)
I can't tell for sure if it is an ejournal or will be print-based (it may well be both), but it looks like a great new outlet for comics scholarship.
Looking through their manuscript guidelines, I found it ironic that they don't seem open to alternative modes of scholarship. I'd think a journal dedicated to the scholarly consideration of sequential art narrative might embrace scholarship presented as sequential art narrative. I propose a new journal, "Action Research Comics," dedicated to the representation of new (and perhaps even classic) research in education in the mode of sequential art narrative. This is not tongue in cheek; should my freshly revised ALAN Review piece make it into print, I would like to use any buzz/notoriety created by it to springboard into the creation of just such a journal. Care to team up?
Sean, I'm set on _SANE journal_'s title and goals, but if you'd like to be a part of that, I think I could find a place for you. What we don't need is a lot of us starting up things such that we saturate the "market" right out of the gate. E-mail me if you'd like to talk more, eh? There's a lot to talk about and some things in the works that you might not know about/ things you know about that I don't know about.
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