Today I received a very nice "thank you" letter from the coordinator of this year's NYSEC (New York State English Council) and evaluations from folks who attended my workshop, "Comic Composition Crash Course." All 5's all around, the highest score on the eval sheet.
Below are the very kinds words that I'll be adding to my files very soon. Thanks again to all the great folks in Albany!

Ironically, this news arrived to me on the very same day that I learned my tenure as a Co-sponsored speaker with NCTE has expired and that there seems to be little interest from NCTE in extending my position as a speaker at this time.
Sad thing is, I really liked being a co-sponsored speaker. I've not been a fan of everything NCTE has been doing over the last few years, but I was pretty happy to be a part of this. I got to speak in New Hampshire, Iowa, Oregon, North Carolina, Missouri, New York, and Idaho. I *think* I did a decent job each time I spoke, and I met people with whom I'm still friends. Hopefully I'll be able to find other ways to catch the interest of affiliates, etc. Eh, you all know me: I'll find a way to get my message heard.
Hey, Bucky, it's not that NCTE doesn't want you as a speaker, nor is the fact that your term is over a reflection on the quality of your speaking engagements. The Cosponsored Speakers Program ( only includes NCTE Executive Committee; chairs of standing committees; chairs and associate chairs of section committees, chairs of the Advisory Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues, the Advisory Committee of People of Color, and the Committee on Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English; editors of journals; authors and editors of recent NCTE publications; members of the Rainbow Strand Planning Group; and selected headquarters staff. So once your term in one of these positions ends, so does your term as an NCTE Cosponsored Speaker. I'd love to chat with you about other ways to work with NCTE. Millie Davis, NCTE Staff
I know, I know. And I'm very glad you posted the criteria for people to see and evaluate.
It still makes me sad that my term is up. I really enjoyed that opportunity. Now, if you all would just start accepting manuscripts again, perhaps I could get back on board via the "NCTE author" strand. ;)
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