The article mentions me quoting from information found in Stephen Krashen's The Power of Reading, 2nd edition, which has a section on comics research that is must-read material for anyone interested in comics and literacy.
I don't look half-bad for someone whose dry cleaners gave him pants that were two sizes too small but who didn't realize it until the day of the conference! And under that open collar? A Superman t-shirt.
Congrats on the award. I think it is well deserved.
I wanted to have a conversation with you at the conference. Alas, so did everyone else. My turn will come one of these days. I would love to sit and chat-n-chew with you.
I bought your book before the conference and am planning on reading it this summer. I'm also mentioning it in this week's IN THE CLASSROOM THIS WEEK section.
I hope we can keep in touch. I am an elementary teacher wanna be (grad student in my last semester right now) and I think we could turn out some great research on the subject of "comic literature". That is the term that we have used since our inception. I'll post more on that later.
I'm glad you sent me your blog. I'll be sure to plug you and link you in the blog roll.
Great to hear from you, Chris! Do keep in touch. Go to and do a faculty search for James Bucky Carter to get my e-mail, and we can start up some conversations that way as well as through our blogs.
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