Just got this press release from the company that markets its graphic novel adaptations of canonical literature as "Classics You'll Want to Read!"
Eureka Productions is pleased to announce the publication of the revised second edition of the long-out-of-print GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN, the eighth volume in the GRAPHIC CLASSICS series of comics adaptations of great literature. This edition contains 38 pages of new material, including a never-done-before comics presentation of “Tom Sawyer Abroad,” Mark Twain’s little-known sequel to “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” with adaptation by Tom Pomplun and George Sellas. Returning from the first edition are “The Mysterious Stranger” by Rick Geary, “A Dog’s Tale” by Lance Tooks, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog” by Kevin Atkinson, and “The Carnival of Crime in Connecticut” by Antonella Caputo and Nick Miller. Also “Is He Living or Is He Dead?” “A Curious Pleasure Excursion,” and eight women artists interpret Mark Twain’s “Advice to Little Girls.” With a dramatic cover painting by George Sellas.
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN is available for schools and libraries from Diamond Distributors, Baker & Taylor, Ingram and other distributors, in bookstores, or direct from the publisher at http://www.graphicclassics.com./
“Many of the stories contain some of Twain’s most cynical, acidic works of satire. Even the adaptation of the little-read “Tom Sawyer Abroad,” written from Huck Finn’s simple-but-secretly-sophisticated point of view, contains a number of digs at religion, science, and imperialism. George Sellas’ cartoony style is a nice match for what is also a rip-roaring adventure story... there’s a propulsive quality in both prose and art that leaves the reader breathless as they flip from page to page.”— Rob Clough, SEQUART.
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN(Second Edition) Edited by Tom Pomplun. Published December 2007, Eureka Productions. Distributed by Diamond Book Distributors(ISBN 978-0-9787919-2-6)144 pgs, 7 x 10", paperback, b&w, 4c cover, $11.95
The Graphic Classics series:GRAPHIC CLASSICS: EDGAR ALLAN POE (978-0-9746648-7-3)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE (978-0-9746648-5-9)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.G. WELLS (978-0-9746648-3-5)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.P. LOVECRAFT (978-0-9746648-9-7)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: JACK LONDON (978-0-9746648-8-0)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: AMBROSE BIERCE (978-0-9712464-6-1)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: BRAM STOKER (978-0-9787919-1-9)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN (978-0-9787919-2-6)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (978-0-9746648-0-4)HORROR CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Ten (978-0-9746648-1-1)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: O. HENRY (978-0-9746648-2-8)ADVENTURE CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Twelve (978-0-9746648-4-2)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: RAFAEL SABATINI (978-0-9746648-6-6)GOTHIC CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Fourteen (978-0-9787919-0-2)
Eureka Productions is pleased to announce the publication of the revised second edition of the long-out-of-print GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN, the eighth volume in the GRAPHIC CLASSICS series of comics adaptations of great literature. This edition contains 38 pages of new material, including a never-done-before comics presentation of “Tom Sawyer Abroad,” Mark Twain’s little-known sequel to “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” with adaptation by Tom Pomplun and George Sellas. Returning from the first edition are “The Mysterious Stranger” by Rick Geary, “A Dog’s Tale” by Lance Tooks, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog” by Kevin Atkinson, and “The Carnival of Crime in Connecticut” by Antonella Caputo and Nick Miller. Also “Is He Living or Is He Dead?” “A Curious Pleasure Excursion,” and eight women artists interpret Mark Twain’s “Advice to Little Girls.” With a dramatic cover painting by George Sellas.
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN is available for schools and libraries from Diamond Distributors, Baker & Taylor, Ingram and other distributors, in bookstores, or direct from the publisher at http://www.graphicclassics.com./
“Many of the stories contain some of Twain’s most cynical, acidic works of satire. Even the adaptation of the little-read “Tom Sawyer Abroad,” written from Huck Finn’s simple-but-secretly-sophisticated point of view, contains a number of digs at religion, science, and imperialism. George Sellas’ cartoony style is a nice match for what is also a rip-roaring adventure story... there’s a propulsive quality in both prose and art that leaves the reader breathless as they flip from page to page.”— Rob Clough, SEQUART.
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN(Second Edition) Edited by Tom Pomplun. Published December 2007, Eureka Productions. Distributed by Diamond Book Distributors(ISBN 978-0-9787919-2-6)144 pgs, 7 x 10", paperback, b&w, 4c cover, $11.95
The Graphic Classics series:GRAPHIC CLASSICS: EDGAR ALLAN POE (978-0-9746648-7-3)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE (978-0-9746648-5-9)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.G. WELLS (978-0-9746648-3-5)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.P. LOVECRAFT (978-0-9746648-9-7)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: JACK LONDON (978-0-9746648-8-0)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: AMBROSE BIERCE (978-0-9712464-6-1)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: BRAM STOKER (978-0-9787919-1-9)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN (978-0-9787919-2-6)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (978-0-9746648-0-4)HORROR CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Ten (978-0-9746648-1-1)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: O. HENRY (978-0-9746648-2-8)ADVENTURE CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Twelve (978-0-9746648-4-2)GRAPHIC CLASSICS: RAFAEL SABATINI (978-0-9746648-6-6)GOTHIC CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Fourteen (978-0-9787919-0-2)
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