A Public Service Announcement! ;)

A Public Service Announcement! ;)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

NCTE Calls it as it Sees it

This week's NCTE Inbox links to a follow-up article from the rag that broke the Guilford High School (Connecticut)/Eightball story in which a popular new teacher allowed a young female student to read the 22nd issue from Dan Clowes indy comic series Eightball.

NCTE placed it in a "Censorship" section of the weekly e-mail newsletter, and I was glad to see them do so. I probably wouldn't have offered the student Eightball #22, but no one is talking about what Mr. Fisher might have done right, i.e. offering the student a choice of reading materials (as some have reported he did) and telling the student up-front that the book she decided on had mature themes. And the whole idea that the book is being censored is an accurate one, but not much attention is being placed on that, either.

So, kudos to NCTE for calling it like they see it! The story was very poorly covered from the original source, so it was good to see an organization able to cut through the crap and get to one of the hearts of the matter concerning this bewildering beast of a happening!

The NCTE Inbox can be accessed by clicking here.

For more info on censorship and Sequential Art in Education, click here.


Bucky C. said...

The New Haven Advocate weighs in on the subject, but with more thought than the Register could muster.

Thanks to R. Krueger for bringing this link to my attention.

Bucky C. said...

Rick Green from New Haven's Courant newspaper has been chatting with me about GN's and the Guilford debacle. Read his opinion of things here