Nancy King, who is running for the senate in Maryland, has been running mailers that suggest that if teachers are laid off, the world will come to an end because students will have to read comic books.
Sounds silly, and it is.
Sounds silly, and it is.
Dean Trippe has written the senator a letter explaining a bit about comics' and literacy's connections. (See link embedded in this post's title, which also reprints the mailer, hilariously featuring one child reading not a comic, but Previews. That reader is obviously reconsidering her pull list).
What's worse, Maryland is the home of the Maryland Comic Book Initiative, one of the highest-profile, public integrations of comics into public schools ever.
What's that the kids say about trying so hard you actually miss the forest for the trees? Oh yeah, "EPIC FAIL."
Of course, if the general public is still oblivious to the advantages of comics in the classroom, or at least in the hands of children, I guess it doesn't really matter:
If a kid in a forest reads a comic and learns a new word, and there's no one around to hear him learn, does anyone give a damn?
Great post.
This is almost as dumb as when the politians tried to make NAT (network address translation) illegal because they didn't understand what it does... Someone put it in their head that it was bad and they ran with it before they did any real research into what it does. Oh well... I guess the old addage is true: "If you can - then do, If you can't then govern." Ok so it's my adaptation, but I like it. :-)
Wow. Unbelievable...another example of a politician pretending to be authoritative in areas they know nothing about. Epic fail for her campaign staff!
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