A Public Service Announcement! ;)

A Public Service Announcement! ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Blog on Graphic Novels in the High School English Classroom

Maureen Bakis has launched "Graphic Novels and High School English," an impressive blog/ning where she is sharing reviews, resources, etc. I also have a feeling we'll be seeing more of what Maureen does with her students regarding graphica, so this is a good site to be aware of and keep an eye on as more exciting things develop. You may have to sign up to access content, but it's free and worth it.


Maureen said...

I hope I can contribute to the graphica in education conversation. The more people, the merrier!

Bucky C. said...

I'm sure you'll offer a fresh voice and add to the growing body of work in this area in important and useful ways! :)