Sub-topic "The Graphic Novel." FINALLY, I'm teaching a graphic novels course in the English Department here at UTEP. I'm not Jewish, but there is a rich backlog of texts and articles dealing with comics-and-judaica connections. What an exciting challenge to put together a course list and to have to choose from all the great comics and graphic novels out there!
Expect to see -- for sure! -- a lot of Eisner and Sturm, some Spiegelman, Crumb's Genesis, some Superman comics, some Stan Lee, probably some Kominsky-Crumb. Anyone know if Chris Ware is Jewish? Hey, I'm trying here!
i don't believe chris is Jewish, but i have his e-mail.
where are the Women?
Kominsky-Crumb is R. Crumb's wife. Bechdel's mother is Jewish, so I might be able to fit in Fun Home. Vanessa Davis' Make Me a Woman will probably make the list, and Hereville features a Jewish teenage girl, though it is written by mmn (who admits he hates gender roles). So, there will be some females represented.
My favorite movie, or one of them, "Chasing Amy." Affleck, no? Gotta show clips from it!!!!!
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