A Public Service Announcement! ;)

A Public Service Announcement! ;)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

NYU Library *Marvels and Monsters* Exhibit focuses on Asians in Comics

From the link:

"Marvels and Monsters:
Unmasking Asian Images in U.S. Comics, 1942-1986
May 26 - August 19, 2011

Over four decades that included some of the most turbulent times in our nation's history, science fiction author and cultural studies scholar William F. Wu painstakingly gathered an archive of comics distinguished not only by its size and reach, but by its scope: It is perhaps the world's only, and certainly the largest, collection of comic books featuring images of Asians and Asian Americans...."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Evensen Interviewed @ *Norse Mythology blog*

Part one of an interview with my friend and collaborator Erik A. Evensen has been posted at Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried's blog on all things Norse mythology. Erik hosts questions about his book Gods of Asgard, which debuted in 2007 and is a graphic novel adaptation of the Norse myths, recently brought to the fore by Summer blockbuster Thor movie. "Brought to the thoor," you might say. :)

Anyway, check out the interview! When the next installment/s post, I'll help you to it/them as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sneak Peak at Second Volume of Twilight, the GN

Me, I've replaced vampire-themed texts with Life Sucks and Fat Vampire in my YA Lit course. Students had mixed feelings about the quality of the first GN adaptation, and I remember having a hard time finding nice things to say about it when I was looking for reviews for the rationales project. For those interested, the book will hit the shelves in October of 2011.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Proof I Ain't Just Spoutin' Off @ the Mouth!

Super-Powered Word Study is a finalist for the 2011 Next Generation Indie book Awards. I'm going to blog about this more once I know what I can and can't say (and when). In the meantime, feast your eyes on this nice certificate for verification that I ain't no liar!

Sarah Lightman's Mini Documentary: Women in Comics

Some of this stuff is so "like, whoah!" Click the link embedded in this post's title to view the documentary.

Super Heroes As Characters in Famous Paintings

"Low" (art) and behold (high art). ;)

"Graphic Novels Big Draw at Mountain View Public Library"

Or so says the title to an article posted on Mountainviewpatch.com. The Mountain View of focus is in California. Thanks to facebook friends Comic Book Literacy for the link.

GEEKDAD.com Profiles Yang's Latest GN: _Level Up_

Gene Yang has another kids/adolescent-friendly graphic novel debuting in a few months. Level Up tells the story of a kid who want to live a life full of video game playing while his dad has made it clear an M.D. should be in the boy's future. Yang says it's also another example of "Pop Art," or comics' proclivity for exploring father/son relationships. Well, he doesn't use the term "pop art" exactly. I think Art Spiegelman coined that partifcular usage of the phrase....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Telegraph Article on Boys and "Long Books"

"Teachers are giving up trying to make boys read long books because they cannot get past 100 pages, new research as found."

That's the lead sentence to this article from the British newspaper, anyway. Apparently some research suggests that boys are turned off by long books -- defined in the article as 200+ pages -- simply because they are long.

It's more of the "boys can't sit still" stuff, but there are some good points about motivation and interest that come from the article as well.

The whole things reminds me of that body of "comics as a conduit" research that suggests that comics readers go on to read more and more varied literature than non-readers. The article does mention comics as a means of helping boys develop a love a reading.

Every Elfquest Comics Ever Available Online

Thursday, May 05, 2011

NKU To Dabble in Awesome

According to Rich Shivener, Northern Kentucky University has chosen David Mack's Kabuki: The Alchemy for its 2011 Book Connection Program. This means that every member of the incoming freshman class will be reading and responding to a graphic novel.


I know LSU was considering doing this with Persepolis a few years ago, but I don't think they went through with it. I'm not sure if NKU's effort marks the first time a graphic novel has been the central text of a freshman entrance experience, but the "common text" idea is one that has become pretty popular over the last decade or so, so maybe it won't be the last.

Houston 4th-Graders Create Comic Book Depicting Harm to Classmates

An unfortunate story that the Houston Fox outlet is exploiting, but what is heartening is that so many players in the situation are being mature about things. Even the newscasters seem sincerely concerned about the story and what it might suggest about youth culture. Click the link embedded in this post's title, watch the video, and tell me if you don't feel the same.

A New Poster for my Office Door

Click the image to make it larger and legible. I try Prezis, posters, and leading by example to help my students see that teacher education shouldn't be a breeze, because the challenges of k-12 education are vast and need intelligent, motivated, progressive young educators who have been challenged to think and excell, not given hand-outs or spoon-fed their degrees and grades.

Stupid Politician Attacks Neil Gaiman

Gaiman, who is apparently a "pencil-necked little weasel" in the eyes of Minnesota Republican Matt Dean, is under fire from Dean for a $45,000 speaking fee he charged Stillwater Library last year. Gaiman says he gave the fee to charity. That's not good enough for Dean, who must be eyebrows-deep in an election campaign for douche-iest state representative.

I think he'll win. But he is a Republican in the 21st century, so the competition will be fierce.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Mike Cotton Leaves Wizard

After 11 years, Wizard writer Mike Cotton is leaving the company for other opportunities. The Beat writes, "it was commonly said that when Cotton left the Wizard ship it would be nothing but an empty hulk drifting the seas." I am one who certainly agrees with that statement, but I have to admit that it has been at least 5years since I've opened a copy of Wizard.

Here's my Mike Cotton story, and I think it says a lot about the man, who really is a fine writer. I don't know if he remembers this, but I do:

The only time I've been to SDCC was back in around 2001 or 2002. I happened by a row of tables near the Wizard booth. I remember a spinning wheel that featured give-aways, and I'm pretty sure Lou Ferrigno was nearby too. I happened to see a gentleman wearing a name tag. "Wow, that's Mike Cotton!" I mouthed silently, only to see the fellow reading my lips and display a little bit of blushing pride and humility at my awe.

Colin Upton Does Comics on Diabetes

Anyone who has or knows someone with diabetes will appreciate these autobiographical comics from Colin Upton. Heck, so will anyone seeking a sympathetic voice regarding food and weight issues in general. The Beat has a preview of "Diabetes Funnies" here.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Adam Hines Wins Another for _Duncan the Wonder Dog_

This time the graphic novel takes home the LA Times Book Prize for best GN.